Monday 4 August 2014

Playing catch-up

I know what you're thinking, a 2014 related post? It's been 2014 for 8 months already, this post is only a tad behind. But I know, I know and I'm ashamed of how much I have slacked on the blogging side of things but honest to God the past year has absolutely flown by and quite frankly been one of my most important years so far. By important I don't mean fun, I mean stressful, busy, A Level revision filled and I am beyond thankful that that stage in my is now complete and, fingers crossed, I will be able to move onto the chapter -- UNIVERSITY. Crazy to think that in just over a months times I could have moved out of home and be living in halls with thousands of other uni students. Exciting and petrifying all at the same time!! It's more anticipation out of everything, uni will be so new and so different and frankly I'm not sure what to expect. Any handy tips throw them my way please!

So a quick run down of main events since last july when I last blogged;
- Florida
- V Festival
- Austria, Skiing
- Turned 18
- completed A levels
- Zante, twice!!
- Prom
- Kent
- currently awaiting A level results...

So, for the remaining few weeks of summer my spare time will be spent blogging!!

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